Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Conjugate the Verb Potere in Italian
Potere, an irregular verb of the second conjugation, translates to the English to be able to. Without getting into the pesky grammatical English-language quibbles about may and can, potere encompasses both: to have (or not have) the ability, the freedom, the capacity to do something. Together with volere and dovere, potere comprises the triumvirate of Italian helping verbs, called in Italian verbi servili, or modal verbs: to be able to (to have power), to want (to have will or volition), and to have to (to have duty, necessityâ€â€in other words, must). Modal: Transitive or Intransitive Potere is a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object in the form of another verb. Since it is a helping or modal verb, helping to express other verbs in different modes, in compound tenses it takes the auxiliary verb required by the verb it is helping. For example, if you couple potere with andare, which is an intransitive verb that takes essere, in the compund tenses potere takes essere; if you couple potere with mangiare, which is transitive and takes avere, potere, in that case, takes avere. Remember your ground rules for choosing the right auxiliary: it is a case-by-case choice, depending on the sentence and the use of the verb. If you use potere with a reflexive verb, it takes essere. Its participio passato is regular, potuto. Non sono potuta andare a scuola. I was not able to go to school.Non ho potuto mangiare. I was not able to eat.Non mi sono potuta lavare stamattina. I was not able to shower this morning. Impediment or Forbiddance You use potere in Italian much like you do to be able to in English: to ask for permission to do something and, in the negative, to express an impediment or a forbiddanceâ€â€I cant come today; I cant understand why you act this way. In terms of why one can or cannot do something, certainly, like in English, potere is a rather broad and vague term. If you say, Paolo non puà ² uscire (Paolo cannot go out), we dont know why, if hes not able, if hes indisposed, or forbidden from going out. Potere vs. Essere Capace If you say in English that Betsy cannot speak Italian, in Italian you might want to say, Betsy non sa parlare italiano; in other words, she is not forbidden from speaking Italian, nor does she have a physical barrier to speaking Italian: She simply does not know how. Also, essere capace di somethingâ€â€to be capable of or ableâ€â€can be, in some cases, a better option than potere. With Pronouns In constructions with direct and indirect object pronouns and combined pronouns, the pronouns can go before either verb or attached to the infinitive that potere is supporting: Potete aiutarmi or mi potete aiutare; lo posso prendere or posso prenderlo; glielo potete dare or potete darglielo. But, note, in some modes it can be tricky. In the infinitive: poterglielo dire or potere dirglielo; averglielo potuto dire or avere potuto dirglielo (less common). In the gerund: potendoglielo dare or potendo darglielo; avendo potuto dirglielo or avendoglielo potuto dire. There is no imperative in potere. The tables below include examples of potere with both essere and avere. Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative An irregular presente. Io posso Non posso dormire. I can't sleep. Tu puoi Mi puoi aiutare per favore? Can/would you help me? Lei, lei, Lei puà ² Luca non puà ² uscire. Luca can't go out. Noi possiamo Possiamo visitare il museo? May we visit the museum? Voi potete Potete sedervi. You may sit. Loro, Loro possono I bambini possono leggere adesso. The children may read now. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Indicative Present Perfect Il passato prossimo, made of the present of the auxiliary avere or essere, and the past participle. Io ho potuto/sono potuto/a Non ho potuto dormire stanotte. I was not able to/couldn't sleep last night. Tu hai potuto/sei potuto/a Ieri mi hai potuto aiutare, grazie. You were able to help me yesterday, thank you. Lui, lei, Lei ha potuto/à ¨ potuto/a Luca non à ¨ potuto uscire ieri. Luca couldn't go out yesterday. Noi abbiamo potuto/siamo potuti/e Abbiamo potuto visitare il museo ieri. We were able to see the museum yesterday. Voi avete potuto/siete potuti/e Vi siete potuti sedere al teatro? Were you able to sit at the theater? Loro, Loro hanno potuto/sono potuti/e I bambini non hanno potuto leggere ieri perchà © non avevano i libri. The children were not able to read because they didn't have their books. Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative A regular imperfetto. Io potevo Da bambina non potevo mai dormire nel pomeriggio. As a little girl I could never sleep in the afternoon. Tu potevi Perchà © non potevi aiutarmi ieri? Why couldn't you help me yesterday? Lui, lei, Lei poteva Da ragazzo Luca non poteva mai uscire la sera. As a boy, Luca could never go out in the evening. Noi potevamo Ieri potevamo visitare il museo ma non avevamo voglia. Yesterday we could visit the museum but we didn't feel like it. Voi potevate Perchà © non potevate sedervi al teatro? Why couldn't you sit at the theater? Loro, Loro potevano I bambini non potevano leggere ieri perchà © non avevano i libri. The children couldn't/were not able to read yesterday because they didn't have their books. Indicativo Passato Remoto: Remote Past Indicative An irregular passato remoto. Io potei Non potei dormire quella notte. I couldn't sleep that night. Tu potesti Non mi potesti aiutare quel giorno, dunque lo chiesi a Giovanni. You couldn't help that day, so I asked Giovanni. Lui, lei, Lei potà © Luca non potà © uscire quella sera. Luca was not able to go out that night. Noi potemmo Non potemmo visitare il museo quella volta. We were not able to visit the museum that time. Voi poteste Non poteste sedervi al teatro e tornaste stanchi. You were not able to sit at the theater. Loro, Loro poterono I bambini non poterono leggere perchà © non avevano i libri. The children were not able to read because they didn't have their books. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Past Perfect Indicative A regular trapassato prossimo, made of the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avevo potuto/ero potuto/a Non avevo potuto dormire e dunque ero stanca. I had not been able to sleep and therefore I was tired. Tu avevi potuto/eri potuto/a Non capivo perchà © non mi avevi potuto aiutare. I couldn't understand why you had not been able to help me. Lui, lei, Lei aveva potuto/era potuto/a Luca non era mai potuto uscire la sera. Luca had never been able to go out in the evening. Noi avevamo potuto/eravamo potuti/e Non avevamo potuto visitare il museo ed eravamo delusi. We had not been able to visit the museum and we were disappointed. Voi avevate potuto/eravate potuti/e Non vi eravate potuti sedere e dunque eravate stanchi. You had not been able to sit and therefore you were tired. Loro avevano potuto/erano potuti/e I bambini non avevano potuto leggere e dunque erano delusi. The children had not been able to read and therefore they were disappointed. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Preterite Perfect Indicative A regular trapassato remoto, a remote literary and storytelling tense, made of the passato remoto of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io ebbi potuto/fui potuto/a Dopo che non ebbi potuto dormire per tanto tempo, mi addormentai come un ghiro. After I had not been able to sleep for so long, I feel asleep like a dormouse. Tu avesti potuto/fosti potuto/a Dopo che non mi avesti potuto aiutare, lo chiesi a Giovanni. After you had not been able to help me, I asked Giovanni. Lui, lei, Lei ebbe potuto/fu potuto/a Dopo che Luca non fu potuto uscire per tanto tempo, finalmente scappà ². After Luca had not been able to go out for so long, he finally ran away. Noi avemmo potuto/fummo potuti/e Appena che avemmo potuto visitare il museo, partimmo. As soon as we were able to visit the museum, the left. Voi aveste potuto/foste potuti/e Dopo che non vi foste potuti sedere al teatro, vi accasciaste nel letto. After you had not been able to sit at the theater, you crumbled in the bed. Loro, Loro ebbero potuto/furono potuti/e Appena che i bambini ebbero potuto leggere finalmente, lessero pagina dopo pagina. As soon as the children were able to read finally, they read page after page. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Simple Future Indicative An irregular futuro semplice. Io potrà ² Forse stanotte potrà ² dormire. Maybe tonight I will be able to sleep. Tu potrai Domani mi potrai aiutare Tomorrow you will be able to help me. Lui, lei, Lei potrà Luca domani non potrà uscire. Luca tomorrow will not be able to go out. Noi potremo Domani non potremo visitare il museo perchà © sarà chiuso. Tomorrow we will not be able to visit the museum because it will be closed. Voi potrete Potrete sedervi al teatro. You will be able to sit in the theater. Loro potranno I bambini potranno leggere a scuola. The children will be able to read at school. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Future Perfect Indicative A regular futuro anteriore, made of the futuro semplice of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avrà ² potuto/sarà ² potuto/a Se avrà ² potuto dormire, mi alzerà ² presto. If I will have been able to sleep, I will get up early. Tu avrai potuto/sarai potuto/a Se mi avrai potuto aiutare, domani avrà ² finito il progetto. If you will have been able to help me, tomorrow I will have finished the project. Lui, lei, Lei avrà potuto/sarà potuto/a Se Luca sarà potuto uscire, domani sera saremo in discoteca. If Luca will have been able to go out, tomorrow night we will be at the disco. Noi avremo potuto/saremo potuti/e Se avremo potuto visitare il museo domani saremo appagati. If we will have been able to visit the museum, tomorrow we will be satisfied. Voi avrete potuto/sarete potuti/e Se vi sarete potuti sedere al teatro sarete meno stanchi domani. If you will have been able to sit at the theater, tomorrow you will be less tired. Loro, Loro avranno potuto/saranno potuti/e Se i bambini avranno potuto leggere saranno contenti. If the children will have been able to read, they will be happy. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive An irregular congiuntivo presente. Che io possa Sono felice che io possa dormire. I am happy that I can sleep. Che tu possa Sono felice che tu mi possa aiutare. I am happy that you can help me. Che lui, lei, Lei possa Mi dispiace che Luca non possa uscire. I am sorry that Luca cannot go out. Che noi possiamo Mi dispiace che non possiamo visitare il museo. I am sorry that we cannot visit the museum. Che voi possiate Spero che vi possiate sedere. I hope that you can sit. Che loro, Loro possano Spero che i bambini possano leggere. I hope that the children can read. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo passato, made of the present subjunctive of the auxiliary and the past participle. Che io abbia potuto/sia potuto/a Sono felice che io abbia potuto dormire. I am happy that I was able to sleep. Che tu abbia potuto/sia potuto/a Sono felice che tu mi abbia potuto aiutare. I am happy that you were able to help me. Che lui, lei, Lei abbia potuto/sia potuto/a Sono dispiaciuta che Luca non sia potuto uscire. I am sorry that Luca couldn't go out. Che noi abbiamo potuto/siamo potuti/e Sono appagata che abbiamo potuto visitare il museo. I am satisfied that we were able to see the museum. Che voi abbiate potuto/siate potuti/e Spero che vi siate potuti sedere. I hope that you were able to sit. Che loro, Loro abbiano potuto/siate potuti/e Spero che i bambini abbiano potuto leggere. I hope that the children were able to read. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo imperfetto. Che io potessi Sarei contenta se potessi dormire. I would be happy if I could sleep. Che tu potessi Vorrei che tu mi potessi aiutare. I wish that you could help me. Che lui, lei, Lei potesse Vorrei che Luca potesse uscire. I wish that Luca could go out. Che noi potessimo Vorrei che potessimo vedere il museo. I wish that we could see the museum. Che voi poteste Sarei felice se vi poteste sedere. I would be happy if you could sit. Che loro, Loro potessero Sarei felice se i bambini potessero leggere un po' oggi. I would be happy if the children could read a little today. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo trapassato, made of the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the past participle. Che io avessi potuto/fossi potuto/a Vorrei che avessi potuto dormire. Wish that I had been able to sleep. Che tu avessi potuto/fossi potuto/a Speravo che tu mi avessi potuto aiutare. I had hoped that you would be able to help me. Che lui, lei, Lei avesse potuto/fosse potuto/a Vorrei che Luca fosse potuto uscire. I wish that Luca had been able to go out. Che noi avessimo potuto/fossimo potuti/e Avrei voluto che avessimo potuto visitare il museo. I wished that we had been able to visit the museum. Che voi aveste potuto/foste potuti/e Vorrei che vi foste potuti sedere. I wish that you had been able to sit. Che loro, Loro avessero potuto/fossero potuti/e Speravo che i bambini avessero potuto leggere un po' oggi. I hoped that the children had been able to read. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional A very irregular condizionale presente. Io potrei Potrei dormire se ci fosse meno rumore. I could sleep if there were less noise. Tu potresti Potresti aiutarmi domani? Could you help me tomorrow? Lui, lei, Lei potrebbe Luca potrebbe uscire se suo padre fosse meno severo. Luca could go out if his father were less severe. Noi potremmo Potremmo visitare il museo domani. We could visit the museum tomorrow. Voi potreste Potreste sedervi se voleste. You could sit if you wanted to. Loro, Loro potrebbero I bambini potrebbero leggere se avessero dei libri. The children could read if they had some books. Condizionale Passato: Perfect Conditional The condizionale passato, made of the conditional present of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avrei potuto/saresti potuto/a Avrei potuto dormire se ci fosse stato meno rumore. I would have been able to sleep had there been less noise. Tu avresti potuto/saresti potuto/a Mi avresti potuto aiutare se tu avessi avuto voglia. You would have been able to help me had you felt like it. Lui, lei, Lei avrebbe potuto/sarebbe potuto/a Luca sarebbe potuto uscire se i suoi genitori fossero meno severi. Luca would have been able to go out if his parents were less strict. Noi avremmo potuto/saremmo potuti/e Avremmo potuto visitare il museo se avessimo avuto il tempo. We could have visited the museum if we had had the time. Voi avreste potuto/sareste potuti/e Vi sareste potuti sedere se il teatro fosse stato meno affollato. You could have sat had the theater been less crowded. Loro, Loro avrebbero potuto/sarebbero potuti/e I bambini avrebbero potuto leggere a scuola se avessero portato il libri. The children would have been able to read at school had they brought their books. Infinito Presente Passato: Infinitive Present Past The infinito, potere, is used widely as a noun: power. Potere 1. Il loro potere à ¨ immenso. 2. Mi dà gioia poterti vedere. 1. Their power is immense. 2. It gives me joy to be able to see you. Avere potuto Avere potuto viaggiare à ¨ stata una fortuna. Having been able to travel has been a blessing. Essere potuto/a/i/e Essermi potuta riposare mi ha fatto sentire meglio. Having been able to rest made me feel better. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle The participio presente, potente, means powerful or potent and is widely used both as a noun and an adjective. The past participle potuto does not have use outside of the auxiliary function. Potente 1. Marco à ¨ un uomo potente. 2. Tutti vogliono fare i potenti. 2. Marco is a powerful man. 2. Everyone want to play powerful. Potuto Non ho potuto visitare il museo. I was not able to visit the museum. Potuto/a/i/e Non sono potuta venire. I was not able to come. Gerundio Presente Passato: Present Past Gerund The gerund, an important tense in Italian. Potendo Potendoti aiutare, l'ho fatto volentieri. Being able to help you, I did it happily. Avendo potuto Avendo potuto portare il cane, sono venuta volentieri. Having been able to bring the dog, I came gladly. Essendo potuto/a/i/e Essendo potuta partire prima, ho preso l'aereo delle 15.00. Having been able to leave early, I took the 3 p.m. plane.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The United States Military Intervention Essay - 1091 Words
Today, people, including many I respect, are asking, Vince, why haven t you called for action in Aleppo? My question is the same as it s always been: What, exactly, do leftists want to do in Syria? Do they want a No-Fly Zone? If so, do they understand that such an action is considered an Act of War? Are people willing to deal with those consequences? Do leftwing activists want the U.S. to increase its military presence in Syria? Do they want the U.S. to keep arming so-called rebel forces? Are leftists actually calling for further military intervention in Syria? Am I processing this correctly? Already, over 12 nations have bombed Syria, with horrific results. Are we asking for more bombs, but from different planes? What principles are activists operating under? Remember, the U.S. military, like all military forces in the world, is a force for death and destruction - that s it. The U.S. military is incapable of saving people. The point of the U.S. military is to destroy and kill. Yet, I keep getting emails from people saying, We have to do something! Yes, let s do something. Let s build political movements that can actually oppose the U.S. Empire. Let s cut the U.S. military budget by 90% - and that s just the beginning. Let s stop selling arms to everyone on the planet. Let s stop supporting brutal regimes. Let s stop the drone strikes and the special forces operations in Africa and elsewhere. Let s end the war in Afghanistan. Let s get out ofShow MoreRelatedU.s. Military Intervention During The War Of The United States Essay1995 Words  | 8 Pagesoption is direct military intervention. Current American-led airstrikes have exclusively focused on ISIS, however, the current Russian intervention can provide clues as to whether earlier Amer ican air strikes against Assad would have impacted the conflict. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Devry Nr 439 Week 4 Research Database Assignment - 1190 Words
DeVry NR 439 Week 4 Research Database Assignment IF You Want To Purcahse A+ Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@GMAIL.COM DeVry NR 439 Week 4 Research Database Assignment ASSIGNMENTS Guidelines and Grading Rubric Purpose You are to locate and document research databases that relate to a significant clinical nursing issue of your choice. The research databases may be labeled as such, or may be collections of research studies, reports, articles and/or findings that are not specifically called databases. Please note: Individual journals and journal articles do not meet the†¦show more content†¦This must be in your own words and not copied and pasted from the original source. Include the purpose of the database and the subject matter it covers. This may be four or five sentences; and e. explain how the research found in the database relates to your topic of interest. This may be an additional paragraph, perhaps two or three sentences. 8. Submit to the Research Database basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 4. Please post question about this paper in the Q A Forum. Example The following is an example of a description for JBI: Title of source:Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence-Based Nursing and Midwifery Location of source (URL) Owner or publisher:Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence-Based Nursing and Midwifery (JBI) Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers: The Joanna Briggs Institute is an international not-for-profit Research and Development Organization that provides evidence-based resources for healthcare professionals in nursing, midwifery, medicine, and allied health. Those with membershipare able to obtain evidence-based practice information from systemic reviews, evaluation reports, electronic journals, best-practice information, and consumer healthcare information. Explain how the source relates to your topic of interest: JBI is relevant to my topic of interest because it provides
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeare s Othello - Appearance And Reality
Never looking beyond what eyes see, humans often trust those who may seem honest and trustworthy. In the play Othello by William Shakespeare, the theme of appearance and reality is central. The relationship between Othello, the protagonist, and Iago, the antagonist, is deceitful, malicious, and troublesome. Iago’s envy of others drives him to destroy the lives of multiple characters by pretending to be their ally. By trusting Iago, Othello s confidence is broken because he realizes he could no longer distinguish reality from lies. At the beginning of the play the protagonist, Othello, is introduce to the readers as a man who differ from other characters because his skin color and his origin. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a†¦show more content†¦Iago was able to use his intellectual and persuasive capacity to make people, such as Roderigo and Cassio, help in his plan of playing with Othello’s mind. Othello was introduced as being a good character but with a terrible tragic flaw; he was known for trusting too much. â€Å"The flaws in Othello’s character worsen his tendency of later on in the play believing what he hears over what he knows†(Mussari par. 2). He decides to trust Iago and believe that his wife, Desdemona, is being unfaithful over his actual knowledge about the event. Iago manipulates Othello by metaphorically poisoning his ear into believing that his wife is having an affair with Cassio. The poison, made of built events and lies, intoxicates Othello’s body and produces in him an effect that does not let him think rationally. One toxic lie that Iago tells Othello is that Cassio has confessed to sleeping with Desdemona, telling that Cassio was â€Å"with her, on her, what you will†(IV, i, 2451). The theme appearance versus reality is noticeable in this event because Othello is making conclusions by just listening to what Iago tells him. Othello relies on appearances producing in him the incapability of distinguish how things look on the surface as opposed to the truth of the matter (Tweg par. 2). An example of the theme of appearance versus reality is when Othello was told by Iago to hide and listen to a
The Twilight Saga 3 Eclipse Chapter 24. SNAP DECISION Free Essays
I LAY FACEDOWN ACROSS THE SLEEPING BAG, WAITING for justice to find me. Maybe an avalanche would bury me here. I wished it would. We will write a custom essay sample on The Twilight Saga 3: Eclipse Chapter 24. SNAP DECISION or any similar topic only for you Order Now I never wanted to have to see my face in the mirror again. There was no sound to warn me. Out of nowhere, Edward’s cold hand stroked against my knotted hair. I shuddered guiltily at his touch. â€Å"Are you all right?†he murmured, his voice anxious. â€Å"No. I want to die.†â€Å"That will never happen. I won’t allow it.†I groaned and then whispered, â€Å"You might change your mind about that.†â€Å"Where’s Jacob?†â€Å"He went to fight,†I mumbled into the floor. Jacob had left the little camp joyfully – with a cheerful â€Å"I’ll be right back†– running full tilt for the clearing, already quivering as he prepared to shift to his other self. By now the whole pack knew everything. Seth Clearwater, pacing outside the tent, was an intimate witness to my disgrace. Edward was silent for a long moment. â€Å"Oh,†he finally said. The tone of his voice worried me that my avalanche wasn’t coming fast enough. I peeked up at him and, sure enough, his eyes were unfocused as he listened to something I’d rather die than have him hear. I dropped my face back to the floor. It stunned me when Edward chuckled reluctantly. â€Å"And I thought I fought dirty,†he said with grudging admiration. â€Å"He makes me look like the patron saint of ethics.†His hand brushed against the part of my cheek that was exposed. â€Å"I’m not mad at you, love. Jacob’s more cunning than I gave him credit for. I do wish you hadn’t asked him, though.†â€Å"Edward,†I whispered to the rough nylon. â€Å"I . . . I . . . I’m -â€Å" â€Å"Shh,†he hushed me, his fingers soothing against my cheek. â€Å"That’s not what I meant. It’s just that he would have kissed you anyway – even if you hadn’t fallen for it – and now I don’t have an excuse to break his face. I would have really enjoyed that, too.†â€Å"Fallen for it?†I mumbled almost incomprehensibly. â€Å"Bella, did you really believe he was that noble? That he would go out in a flame of glory just to clear the way for me?†I raised my head slowly to meet his patient gaze. His expression was soft; his eyes were full of understanding rather than the revulsion I deserved to see. â€Å"Yes, I did believe that,†I muttered, and then looked away. But I didn’t feel any anger at Jacob for tricking me. There wasn’t enough room in my body to contain anything besides the hatred I felt toward myself. Edward laughed softly again. â€Å"You’re such a bad liar, you’ll believe anyone who has the least bit of skill.†â€Å"Why aren’t you angry with me?†I whispered. â€Å"Why don’t you hate me? Or haven’t you heard the whole story yet?†â€Å"I think I got a fairly comprehensive look,†he said in a light, easy voice. â€Å"Jacob makes vivid mental pictures. I feel almost as bad for his pack as I do for myself. Poor Seth was getting nauseated. But Sam is making Jacob focus now.†I closed my eyes and shook my head in agony. The sharp nylon fibers of the tent floor scraped against my skin. â€Å"You’re only human,†he whispered, stroking my hair again. â€Å"That’s the most miserable defense I’ve ever heard.†â€Å"But you are human, Bella. And, as much as I might wish otherwise, so is he. . . . There are holes in your life that I can’t fill. I understand that.†â€Å"But that’s not true. That’s what makes me so horrible. There are no holes.†â€Å"You love him,†he murmured gently. Every cell in my body ached to deny it. â€Å"I love you more,†I said. It was the best I could do. â€Å"Yes, I know that, too. But . . . when I left you, Bella, I left you bleeding. Jacob was the one to stitch you back up again. That was bound to leave its mark – on both of you. I’m not sure those kinds of stitches dissolve on their own. I can’t blame either of you for something I made necessary. I may gain forgiveness, but that doesn’t let me escape the consequences.†â€Å"I should have known you’d find some way to blame yourself. Please stop. I can’t stand it.†â€Å"What would you like me to say?†â€Å"I want you to call me every bad name you can think of, in every language you know. I want you to tell me that you’re disgusted with me and that you’re going to leave so that I can beg and grovel on my knees for you to stay.†â€Å"I’m sorry.†He sighed. â€Å"I can’t do that.†â€Å"At least stop trying to make me feel better. Let me suffer. I deserve it.†â€Å"No,†he murmured. I nodded slowly. â€Å"You’re right. Keep on being too understanding. That’s probably worse.†He was silent for a moment, and I sensed a charge in the atmosphere, a new urgency. â€Å"It’s getting close,†I stated. â€Å"Yes, a few more minutes now. Just enough time to say one more thing. . . .†I waited. When he finally spoke again, he was whispering. â€Å"I can be noble, Bella. I’m not going to make you choose between us. Just be happy, and you can have whatever part of me you want, or none at all, if that’s better. Don’t let any debt you feel you owe me influence your decision.†I pushed off the floor, shoving myself up onto my knees. â€Å"Dammit, stop that!†I shouted at him. His eyes widened in surprise. â€Å"No – you don’t understand. I’m not just trying to make you feel better, Bella, I really mean it.†â€Å"I know you do,†I groaned. â€Å"What happened to fighting back? Don’t start with the noble self-sacrifice now! Fight!†â€Å"How?†he asked, and his eyes were ancient with their sadness. I scrambled into his lap, throwing my arms around him. â€Å"I don’t care that it’s cold here. I don’t care that I stink like a dog right now. Make me forget how awful I am. Make me forget him. Make me forget my own name. Fight back!†I didn’t wait for him to decide – or to have the chance to tell me he wasn’t interested in a cruel, faithless monster like me. I pulled myself against him and crushed my mouth to his snow-cold lips. â€Å"Careful, love,†he murmured under my urgent kiss. â€Å"No,†I growled. He gently pushed my face a few inches back. â€Å"You don’t have to prove anything to me.†â€Å"I’m not trying to prove something. You said I could have any part of you I wanted. I want this part. I want every part.†I wrapped my arms around his neck and strained to reach his lips. He bent his head to kiss me back, but his cool mouth was hesitant as my impatience grew more pronounced. My body was making my intentions clear, giving me away. Inevitably, his hands moved to restrain me. â€Å"Perhaps this isn’t the best moment for that,†he suggested, too calm for my liking. â€Å"Why not?†I grumbled. There was no point in fighting if he was going to be rational; I dropped my arms. â€Å"Firstly, because it is cold.†He reached out to pull the sleeping bag off the floor; he wrapped it around me like a blanket. â€Å"Wrong,†I said. â€Å"First, because you are bizarrely moral for a vampire.†He chuckled. â€Å"All right, I’ll give you that. The cold is second. And thirdly . . . well, you do actually stink, love.†He wrinkled his nose. I sighed. â€Å"Fourthly,†he murmured, dropping his face so that he was whispering in my ear. â€Å"We will try, Bella. I’ll make good on my promise. But I’d much rather it wasn’t in reaction to Jacob Black.†I cringed, and buried my face against his shoulder. â€Å"And fifthly . . .†â€Å"This is a very long list,†I muttered. He laughed. â€Å"Yes, but did you want to listen to the fight or not?†As he spoke, Seth howled stridently outside the tent. My body stiffened to the sound. I didn’t realize my left hand was clenched into a fist, nails biting into my bandaged palm, until Edward took it and gently smoothed my fingers out. â€Å"It’s going to be fine, Bella,†he promised. â€Å"We’ve got skill, training, and surprise on our side. It will be over very soon. If I didn’t truly believe that, I would be down there now – and you’d be here, chained to a tree or something along those lines.†â€Å"Alice is so small,†I moaned. He chuckled. â€Å"That might be a problem . . . if it were possible for someone to catch her.†Seth started to whimper. â€Å"What’s wrong?†I demanded. â€Å"He’s just angry that he’s stuck here with us. He knows the pack kept him out of the action to protect him. He’s salivating to join them.†I scowled in Seth’s general direction. â€Å"The newborns have reached the end of the trail – it worked like a charm, Jasper’s a genius – and they’ve caught the scent of the ones in the meadow, so they’re splitting into two groups now, as Alice said,†Edward murmured, his eyes focused on something far away. â€Å"Sam’s taking us around to head off the ambush party.†He was so intent on what he was hearing that he used the pack plural. Suddenly he looked down at me. â€Å"Breathe, Bella.†I struggled to do what he asked. I could hear Seth’s heavy panting just outside the tent wall, and I tried to keep my lungs on the same even pace, so that I wouldn’t hyperventilate. â€Å"The first group is in the clearing. We can hear the fighting.†My teeth locked together. He laughed once. â€Å"We can hear Emmett – he’s enjoying himself.†I made myself take another breath with Seth. â€Å"The second group is getting ready – they aren’t paying attention, they haven’t heard us yet.†Edward growled. â€Å"What?†I gasped. â€Å"They’re talking about you.†His teeth clenched together. â€Å"They’re supposed to make sure you don’t escape. . . . Nice move, Leah! Mmm, she’s quite fast,†he murmured in approval. â€Å"One of the newborns caught our scent, and Leah took him down before he could even turn. Sam’s helping her finish him off. Paul and Jacob got another one, but the others are on the defensive now. They have no idea what to make of us. Both sides are feinting. . . . No, let Sam lead. Stay out of the way,†he muttered. â€Å"Separate them – don’t let them protect each other’s backs.†Seth whined. â€Å"That’s better, drive them toward the clearing,†Edward approved. His body was shifting unconsciously as he watched, tensing for moves he would have made. His hands still held mine; I twisted my fingers through his. At least he wasn’t down there. The sudden absence of sound was the only warning. The deep rush of Seth’s breathing cut off, and – as I’d paced my breaths with his – I noticed. I stopped breathing, too – too frightened to even make mylungs work as I realized that Edward had frozen into a block of ice beside me. Oh, no. No. No. Who had been lost? Theirs or ours? Mine, all mine. What was my loss? So quickly that I wasn’t exactly sure how it happened, I was on my feet and the tent was collapsing in ragged shreds around me. Had Edward ripped our way out? Why? I blinked, shocked, into the brilliant light. Seth was all I could see, right beside us, his face only six inches from Edward’s. They stared at each other with absolute concentration for one infinite second. The sun shattered off Edward’s skin and sent sparkles dancing across Seth’s fur. And then Edward whispered urgently, â€Å"Go, Seth!†The huge wolf wheeled and disappeared into the forest shadows. Had two entire seconds passed? It felt like hours. I was terrified to the point of nausea by the knowledge that something horrible had gone awry in the clearing. I opened my mouth to demand that Edward take me there, and do it now. They needed him, and they needed me. If I had to bleed to save them, I would do it. I would die to do it, like the third wife. I had no silver dagger in my hand, but I would find a way – Before I could get the first syllable out, I felt as if I was being flung through the air. But Edward’s hands never let go of me – I was only being moved, so quickly that the sensation was like falling sideways. I found myself with my back pressed against the sheer cliff face. Edward stood in front of me, holding a posture that I knew at once. Relief washed through my mind at the same time that my stomach dropped through the soles of my feet. I’d misunderstood. Relief – nothing had gone wrong in the clearing. Horror – the crisis was here. Edward held a defensive position – half-crouched, his arms extended slightly – that I recognized with sickening certainty. The rock at my back could have been the ancient brick walls of the Italian alley where he had stood between me and the black-cloaked Volturi warriors. Something was coming for us. â€Å"Who?†I whispered. The words came through his teeth in a snarl that was louder than I expected. Too loud. It meant that it was far too late to hide. We were trapped, and it didn’t matter who heard his answer. â€Å"Victoria,†he said, spitting the word, making it a curse. â€Å"She’s not alone. She crossed my scent, following the newborns in to watch – she never meant to fight with them. She made a spur-of-the-moment decision to find me, guessing that you would be wherever I was. She was right. You were right. It was always Victoria.†She was close enough that he could hear her thoughts. Relief again. If it had been the Volturi, we were both dead. But with Victoria, it didn’t have to be both. Edward could survive this. He was a good fighter, as good as Jasper. If she didn’t bring too many others, he could fight his way out, back to his family. Edward was faster than anyone. He could make it. I was so glad he’d sent Seth away. Of course, there was no one Seth could run to for help. Victoria had timed her decision perfectly. But at least Seth was safe; I couldn’t see the huge sandy wolf in my head when I thought his name – just the gangly fifteen-year-old boy. Edward’s body shifted – only infinitesimally, but it told me where to look. I stared at the black shadows of the forest. It was like having my nightmares walk forward to greet me. Two vampires edged slowly into the small opening of our camp, eyes intent, missing nothing. They glistened like diamonds in the sun. I could barely look at the blond boy – yes, he was just a boy, though he was muscular and tall, maybe my age when he was changed. His eyes – a more vivid red than I had ever seen before – could not hold mine. Though he was closest to Edward, the nearest danger, I could not watch him. Because, a few feet to the side and a few feet back, Victoria was staring at me. Her orange hair was brighter than I’d remembered, more like a flame. There was no wind here, but the fire around her face seemed to shimmer slightly, as if it were alive. Her eyes were black with thirst. She did not smile, as she always had in my nightmares – her lips were pressed into a tight line. There was a striking feline quality to the way she held her coiled body, a lioness waiting for an opening to spring. Her restless, wild gaze flickered between Edward and me, but never rested on him for more than a half-second. She could not keep her eyes from my face any more than I could keep mine from hers. Tension rolled off of her, nearly visible in the air. I could feel the desire, the all-consuming passion that held her in its grip. Almost as if I could hear her thoughts, too, I knew what she was thinking. She was so close to what she wanted – the focus of her whole existence for more than a year now was just so close. My death. Her plan was as obvious as it was practical. The big blond boy would attack Edward. As soon as Edward was sufficiently distracted, Victoria would finish me. It would be quick – she had no time for games here – but it would be thorough. Something that it would be impossible to recover from. Something that even vampire venom could not repair. She’d have to stop my heart. Perhaps a hand shoved through my chest, crushing it. Something along those lines. My heart beat furiously, loudly, as if to make her target more obvious. An immense distance away, from far across the black forest, a wolf’s howl echoed in the still air. With Seth gone, there was no way to interpret the sound. The blond boy looked at Victoria from the corner of his eye, waiting on her command. He was young in more ways than one. I guessed from his brilliant crimson irises that he couldn’t have been a vampire for very long. He would be strong, but inept. Edward would know how to fight him. Edward would survive. Victoria jerked her chin toward Edward, wordlessly ordering the boy forward. â€Å"Riley,†Edward said in a soft, pleading voice. The blond boy froze, his red eyes widening. â€Å"She’s lying to you, Riley,†Edward told him. â€Å"Listen to me. She’s lying to you just like she lied to the others who are dying now in the clearing. You know that she’s lied to them, that she had you lie to them, that neither of you were ever going to help them. Is it so hard to believe that she’s lied to you, too?†Confusion swept across Riley’s face. Edward shifted a few inches to the side, and Riley automatically compensated with an adjustment of his own. â€Å"She doesn’t love you, Riley.†Edward’s soft voice was compelling, almost hypnotic. â€Å"She never has. She loved someone named James, and you’re no more than a tool to her.†When he said James’s name, Victoria’s lips pulled back in a teeth-baring grimace. Her eyes stayed locked on me. Riley cast a frantic glance in her direction. â€Å"Riley?†Edward said. Riley automatically refocused on Edward. â€Å"She knows that I will kill you, Riley. She wants you to die so that she doesn’t have to keep up the pretense anymore. Yes – you’ve seen that, haven’t you? You’ve read the reluctance in her eyes, suspected a false note in her promises. You were right. She’s never wanted you. Every kiss, every touch was a lie.†Edward moved again, moved a few inches toward the boy, a few inches away from me. Victoria’s gaze zeroed in on the gap between us. It would take her less than a second to kill me – she only needed the tiniest margin of opportunity. Slower this time, Riley repositioned himself. â€Å"You don’t have to die,†Edward promised, his eyes holding the boy’s. â€Å"There are other ways to live than the way she’s shown you. It’s not all lies and blood, Riley. You can walk away right now. You don’t have to die for her lies.†Edward slid his feet forward and to the side. There was a foot of space between us now. Riley circled too far, overcompensating this time. Victoria leaned forward onto the balls of her feet. â€Å"Last chance, Riley,†Edward whispered. Riley’s face was desperate as he looked to Victoria for answers. â€Å"He’s the liar, Riley,†Victoria said, and my mouth fell open in shock at the sound of her voice. â€Å"I told you about their mind tricks. You know I love only you.†Her voice was not the strong, wild, catlike growl I would have put with her face and stance. It was soft, it was high – a babyish, soprano tinkling. The kind of voice that went with blond curls and pink bubble gum. It made no sense coming through her bared, glistening teeth. Riley’s jaw tightened, and he squared his shoulders. His eyes emptied – there was no more confusion, no more suspicion. There was no thought at all. He tensed himself to attack. Victoria’s body seemed to be trembling, she was so tightly wound. Her fingers were ready claws, waiting for Edward to move just one more inch away from me. The snarl came from none of them. A mammoth tan shape flew through the center of the opening, throwing Riley to the ground. â€Å"No!†Victoria cried, her baby voice shrill with disbelief. A yard and a half in front of me, the huge wolf ripped and tore at the blond vampire beneath him. Something white and hard smacked into the rocks by my feet. I cringed away from it. Victoria did not spare one glance for the boy she’d just pledged her love to. Her eyes were still on me, filled with a disappointment so ferocious that she looked deranged. â€Å"No,†she said again, through her teeth, as Edward started to move toward her, blocking her path to me. Riley was on his feet again, looking misshapen and haggard, but he was able to fling a vicious kick into Seth’s shoulder. I heard the bone crunch. Seth backed off and started to circle, limping. Riley had his arms out, ready, though he seemed to be missing part of one hand. . . . Only a few yards away from that fight, Edward and Victoria were dancing. Not quite circling, because Edward was not allowing her to position herself closer to me. She sashayed back, moving from side to side, trying to find a hole in his defense. He shadowed her footwork lithely, stalking her with perfect concentration. He began to move just a fraction of a second before she moved, reading her intentions in her thoughts. Seth lunged at Riley from the side, and something tore with a hideous, grating screech. Another heavy white chunk flew into the forest with a thud. Riley roared in fury, and Seth skipped back – amazingly light on his feet for his size – as Riley took a swipe at him with one mangled hand. Victoria was weaving through the tree trunks at the far end of the little opening now. She was torn, her feet pulling her toward safety while her eyes yearned toward me as if I were a magnet, reeling her in. I could see the burning desire to kill warring with her survival instinct. Edward could see that, too. â€Å"Don’t go, Victoria,†he murmured in that same hypnotic tone as before. â€Å"You’ll never get another chance like this.†She showed her teeth and hissed at him, but she seemed unable to move farther away from me. â€Å"You can always run later,†Edward purred. â€Å"Plenty of time for that. It’s what you do, isn’t it? It’s why James kept you around. Useful, if you like to play deadly games. A partner with an uncanny instinct for escaping. He shouldn’t have left you – he could have used your skills when we caught up to him in Phoenix.†A snarl ripped from between her lips. â€Å"That’s all you ever were to him, though. Silly to waste so much energy avenging someone who had less affection for you than a hunter for his mount. You were never more than a convenience to him. I would know.†Edward’s lips pulled up on one side as he tapped his temple. With a strangled screech, Victoria darted out of the trees again, feinting to the side. Edward responded, and the dance began again. Just then, Riley’s fist caught Seth’s flank, and a low yelp coughed out of Seth’s throat. Seth backed away, his shoulders twitching as if he were trying to shake off the pain. Please, I wanted to plead with Riley, but I couldn’t find the muscles to make my mouth open, to pull the air up from my lungs. Please, he’s just a child! Why hadn’t Seth run away? Why didn’t he run now? Riley was closing the distance between them again, driving Seth toward the cliff face beside me. Victoria was suddenly interested in her partner’s fate. I could see her, from the corner of her eyes, judge the distance between Riley and me. Seth snapped at Riley, forcing him back again, and Victoria hissed. Seth wasn’t limping anymore. His circling took him within inches of Edward; his tail brushed Edward’s back, and Victoria’s eyes bulged. â€Å"No, he won’t turn on me,†Edward said, answering the question in Victoria’s head. He used her distraction to slide closer. â€Å"You provided us with a common enemy. You allied us.†She clenched her teeth, trying to keep her focus on Edward alone. â€Å"Look more closely, Victoria,†he murmured, pulling at the threads of her concentration. â€Å"Is he really so much like the monster James tracked across Siberia?†Her eyes popped wide open, and then began flickering wildly from Edward to Seth to me, around and around. â€Å"Not the same?†she snarled in her little girl’s soprano. â€Å"Impossible!†â€Å"Nothing is impossible,†Edward murmured, voice velvet soft as he moved another inch closer to her. â€Å"Except what you want. You’ll never touch her.†She shook her head, fast and jerky, fighting his diversions, and tried to duck around him, but he was in place to block her as soon as she’d thought of the plan. Her face contorted in frustration, and then she shifted lower into her crouch, a lioness again, and stalked deliberately forward. Victoria was no inexperienced, instinct-driven newborn. She was lethal. Even I could tell the difference between her and Riley, and I knew that Seth wouldn’t have lasted so long if he’d been fighting this vampire. Edward shifted, too, as they closed on each other, and it was lion versus lioness. The dance increased in tempo. It was like Alice and Jasper in the meadow, a blurred spiraling of movement, only this dance was not as perfectly choreographed. Sharp crunches and crackings reverberated off the cliff face whenever someone slipped in their formation. But they were moving too fast for me to see who was making the mistakes. . . . Riley was distracted by the violent ballet, his eyes anxious for his partner. Seth struck, crunching off another small piece of the vampire. Riley bellowed and launched a massive backhanded blow that caught Seth full in his broad chest. Seth’s huge body soared ten feet and crashed into the rocky wall over my head with a force that seemed to shake the whole peak. I heard the breath whoosh from his lungs, and I ducked out of the way as he rebounded off the stone and collapsed on the ground a few feet in front of me. A low whimper escaped through Seth’s teeth. Sharp fragments of gray stone showered down on my head, scratching my exposed skin. A jagged spike of rock rolled down my right arm and I caught it reflexively. My fingers clenched around the long shard as my own survival instincts kicked in; since there was no chance of flight, my body – not caring how ineffectual the gesture was – prepared for a fight. Adrenaline jolted through my veins. I knew the brace was cutting into my palm. I knew the crack in my knuckle was protesting. I knew it, but I could not feel the pain. Behind Riley, all I could see was the twisting flame of Victoria’s hair and a blur of white. The increasingly frequent metallic snaps and tears, the gasps and shocked hissings, made it clear that the dance was turning deadly for someone. But which someone? Riley lurched toward me, his red eyes brilliant with fury. He glared at the limp mountain of sand-colored fur between us, and his hands – mangled, broken hands – curled into talons. His mouth opened, widened, his teeth glistening, as he prepared to rip out Seth’s throat. A second kick of adrenaline hit like an electric shock, and everything was suddenly very clear. Both fights were too close. Seth was about to lose his, and I had no idea if Edward was winning or losing. They needed help. A distraction. Something to give them an edge. My hand gripped the stone spike so tightly that a support in the brace snapped. Was I strong enough? Was I brave enough? How hard could I shove the rough stone into my body? Would this buy Seth enough time to get back on his feet? Would he heal fast enough for my sacrifice to do him any good? I raked the point of the shard up my arm, yanking my thick sweater back to expose the skin, and then pressed the sharp tip to the crease at my elbow. I already had a long scar there from my last birthday. That night, my flowing blood had been enough to catch every vampire’s attention, to freeze them all in place for an instant. I prayed it would work that way again. I steeled myself and sucked in one deep breath. Victoria was distracted by the sound of my gasp. Her eyes, holding still for one tiny portion of a second, met mine. Fury and curiosity mingled strangely in her expression. I wasn’t sure how I heard the low sound with all the other noises echoing off the stone wall and hammering inside my head. My own heartbeat should have been enough to drown it out. But, in the split second that I stared into Victoria’s eyes, I thought I heard a familiar, exasperated sigh. In that same short second, the dance broke violently apart. It happened so quickly that it was over before I could follow the sequence of events. I tried to catch up in my head. Victoria had flown out of the blurred formation and smashed into a tall spruce about halfway up the tree. She dropped back to the earth already crouched to spring. Simultaneously, Edward – all but invisible with speed – had twisted backward and caught the unsuspecting Riley by the arm. It had looked like Edward planted his foot against Riley’s back, and heaved – The little campsite was filled with Riley’s piercing shriek of agony. At the same time, Seth leaped to his feet, cutting off most of my view. But I could still see Victoria. And, though she looked oddly deformed – as if she were unable to straighten up completely – I could see the smile I’d been dreaming of flash across her wild face. She coiled and sprang. Something small and white whistled through the air and collided with her mid-flight. The impact sounded like an explosion, and it threw her against another tree – this one snapped in half. She landed on her feet again, crouched and ready, but Edward was already in place. Relief swelled in my heart when I saw that he stood straight and perfect. Victoria kicked something aside with a flick of her bare foot – the missile that had crippled her attack. It rolled toward me, and I realized what it was. My stomach lurched. The fingers were still twitching; grasping at blades of grass, Riley’s arm began to drag itself mindlessly across the ground. Seth was circling Riley again, and now Riley was retreating. He backed away from the advancing werewolf, his face rigid with pain. He raised his one arm defensively. Seth rushed Riley, and the vampire was clearly off-balance. I saw Seth sink his teeth into Riley’s shoulder and tear, jumping back again. With an earsplitting metallic screech, Riley lost his other arm. Seth shook his head, flinging the arm into the woods. The broken hissing noise that came through Seth’s teeth sounded like snickering. Riley screamed out a tortured plea. â€Å"Victoria!†Victoria did not even flinch to the sound of her name. Her eyes did not flicker once toward her partner. Seth launched himself forward with the force of a wrecking ball. The thrust carried both Seth and Riley into the trees, where the metallic screeching was matched by Riley’s screams. Screams that abruptly cut off, while the sounds of rock being ripped to shreds continued. Though she spared Riley no farewell glance, Victoria seemed to realize that she was on her own. She began to back away from Edward, frenzied disappointment blazing in her eyes. She threw me one short, agonized stare of longing, and then she started to retreat faster. â€Å"No,†Edward crooned, his voice seductive. â€Å"Stay just a little longer.†She wheeled and flew toward the refuge of the forest like an arrow from a bow. But Edward was faster – a bullet from a gun. He caught her unprotected back at the edge of the trees and, with one last, simple step, the dance was over. Edward’s mouth brushed once across her neck, like a caress. The squealing clamor coming from Seth’s efforts covered every other noise, so there was no discernible sound to make the image one of violence. He could have been kissing her. And then the fiery tangle of hair was no longer connected to the rest of her body. The shivering orange waves fell to the ground, and bounced once before rolling toward the trees. How to cite The Twilight Saga 3: Eclipse Chapter 24. SNAP DECISION, Essay examples
Acting like a lady Essay Example For Students
Acting like a lady Essay So You Want To Act Like a Lady?For years women have been waxing, plucking and beautifying themselves for one reason and one reason only; because they think that is beauty. A woman is only classified as a lady if she can walk, talk and dress the part. The way that society has viewed femininity has changed immensely over the past hundred years, but acting like a tomboy or, heaven forbid, being strong and independent is looked down upon in the eyes of men and other women. Certain standards of ladylike demeanor have become outdated in todays society, and women should be looked at as beautiful when strong and independent. But what defines a woman to be ladylike, and can it be defined as a single type? I believe that standards of beauty have changed, and standing out is what will get you ahead in society today. Stereotypes of the ideal female must be brought down to work on achieving inner beauty and internal happiness. Since the 1950s, women have been seen as very dainty and sensitive creatures who are meant to be silent partners to their mates. A womans place was in the home-cooking, cleaning and watching after her children. Women were to get up every morning and prepare lunches for their breadwinning husbands, as well as wake and dress the children for school, cook breakfast, do housework and have a hot meal on the table when her husband was to return home. Women have stepped down to their traditional roles as housewife and caretaker, and it has raised many issues in society today. It was considered a womans job to be a good cook and be a whiz with a broom, in fact, it is what made them so darn attractive. Times, they are a changing. In fact, the U.S Department of Labor states that in the year 2008, women will make up 48% of the work force. That means that more women will be going to college and getting and education, as well as heading out into the workforce to make a name for themselves. Being a lady also means dressing like a lady. But since when has the portrait of a woman relied on what she wore? I have been told all my life that high heels are a womans best friend, and a true treasure is finding just your shade of lipstick. The pain that women endure for a small amount of vanity will be forever a mystery to me. Hours spent in the bathroom with irons, curlers, pokers, prodders, waxes and powders, and for what? So you can pretend you enjoy it and wake up the next morning and do it all again. The first test in becoming ladylike lies in a womans outer appearance. Not long ago, it was considered beautiful to run around in tightly yanked corsets and ballroom gowns, but now we must wear high heels that look like some sort of torture device? Running late to the market in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt is completely unacceptable, if you a true lady that is. I remember growing up watching reruns of shows like The Brady Bunch and The Wonder Years and in every episode the women were dressed in ridiculous looking dresses and jumpers. They never looked comfortable, and they sure as heck couldnt throw around the football! To find a woman in a pair of jeans and a do-rag was permitted only while working in the yard or cleaning the house. I grew up my entire life in a t-shirt, jeans and a pair of softball cleats, and I consider myself very much a lady. I would have much rather scored the winning run than play with my sisters Barbie bake oven, thats for sure. .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d , .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .postImageUrl , .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d , .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d:hover , .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d:visited , .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d:active { border:0!important; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d:active , .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc190c2c2858b73a681f87309a3e2476d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lord Of The Flies With Withered Arm Companionship EssayTo be a lady also means to act like a lady. This means no spitting, swearing, farting, cursing, hitting, name-calling or getting dirty. It is completely impossible for any one person to go their entire life without performing at least one, it not all of these acts, repeatedly. Why hide the fact that you just ate a medium pizza and then drank a 2 liter of Coke? Let out a little belch. And in someones unwritten laws of being a woman, it was decided that women must be dainty and sensitive to matters of decorum. I know that most men take comfort in the fact that they must provide for their wives and perform difficult tasks to show their manhood, but what about those few precious women who can get things done by themselves? Men are in charge of manual labor, heavy machinery and getting a little dirt underneath their fingernails. Because, we all know that dirt would never find its way into a ladys fingernail, or it would just be extremely hard to see under their pastel pink fingernail polish. To be a lady means to never to be one of the guys. And women participating in sports are completely out of the question. A woman wasnt allowed to play rough and be tough because they would never find a man, get married and have children (supposedly every womans fulfillment in life?) Women are meant to be the cheerleaders standing off to the side at a baseball game, looking adoringly into their little mirrored compact and asking who just scored a touchdown. Do men really find, ditsy, uneducated women attractive? Do they really want a woman to rely on their every move and hang on their every whim? Empowered women, to me, are the epitome of beauty, and if that means ripping a worm in half, sticking it on the hook and catching dinner, then so be it. Up until just recently, women have been content being looked down upon by powerful men in society, but in my eyes, for gender inequality to go on any longer would be a travesty. Women today need to realize that they no longer need to fit some ridiculous cookie-cutter mold that insecure men have formed for them. It infuriates me that at one time, women werent allowed to play professional sports, let alone vote! It all turned around though, just eighty five years ago when women were allowed into the voters booth. To think that resources were once unobtainable to the women before me, only motivates me to take advantage of all I can in the time that I have here on earth.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Model Thesis On Globalization For Globalism -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Model Thesis On Globalization For Globalism? Answer: Introducation The article helps in analyzing the different factors that has affected the culture. The two factors are immigration along with globalization. Globalization is defined as the system of complex connections among different countries. It happens both in cultural and economic level. It has been identified in the article that globalization has huge effect on working individuals who work for multinational companies. Globalization has profound effect on the culture in other countries (Hay and Marsh 2016). It has been seen that the individual cultures are easily threatened by the globalization factors. The advantages include broadening the minds of individuals and it helps in promoting education. It helps in improving the international relations among different nations (Rao 2015). On the other hand, there are different advantages of globalization that include there has been gap between the rich and poor in the entire competitive market. It has affected the entire global economy that has affec ted the environment. The globalization has affected the good working condition of the workers. Reflection From the article, I have understood that globalization and immigration has huge impact on the culture. I have analyzed that globalization takes place in both cultural and economic level in different countries. In the article, I have seen that the example of Starbucks has been provided wherein globalization not influences the culture by exporting goods and services, but it has effect on individuals working in the different multinational companies. I have analyzed that there are different benefits and disadvantages of globalization wherein it has profound effect of the different cultures of the different companies. I have understood that globalization has helped many organizations in hiring Indian employees with proper training and developmental programs. It has helped in broadening the mind of the individuals in different countries in an effectual manner. I have highlighted the disadvantages in the article that included that it has increased the gap between rich and poor. There have b een different cases wherein employees are complaining about the work pressure and depression. In the article, it has been shown that employees are depressed and they are quitting their jobs due to excessive pressure. References Hay, C. and Marsh, D. eds., 2016.Demystifying globalization. Springer. Rao, R.S., 2015. A University Model Thesis on Globalization for Globalism.International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,2(04).
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