Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Objective Synthesis
In â€Å"HARD BODIES†by â€Å"STUART EWEN†and â€Å"THE SPORTS TABOO†by â€Å"MALCOLM GLADWELL†traces specific games notwithstanding the contrasts between the athletic people and the manners by which they experience extracurricular exercises. The primary article recorded starts by presenting a man named Raymond who is wanting to accomplish the body figure in which he has consistently longed for having. It experiences his day by day exercise in detail in which he achieves in the wake of a difficult day in his office.To accomplish his since a long time ago needed objective, he chips away at parts of his body piece-by-piece, rehearsing redundancy in a room encompassed by full-length mirrors. The creator at that point starts portraying different promotions with pictures of statement on-quote immaculate bodies. The two people present together flaunting their tone and fruition with a light covering of oil. Men for the most part uncover their upper half, as l adies will in general uncover their arms, shoulders and stomach. The creator accepts that these ads experience all the more significance then simply the activity wherein they advertise.They are more to draw in watchers into needing what they see and going through the cash so as to accomplish that specific body figure. In the wake of perusing this article, my psyche took me to recollect numerous notices that I have seen on racks of stores just as rec center enrollment pictures. These figures we see, as they seem conditioned and have flawlessness, are never the crude pictures of these specific people. At the point when a commercial expresses that the peruser should begin another physical preparing so as to accomplish this objective, it incorporates a division of bogus advertising.These pictures of these fabricated people guarantee to have as of late began new exercise propensities when in all actuality these models have kept fit as a fiddle for their entire lives and have turned out t o be every day so as to accomplish their body types. Ladies in the workforce seeing these promotions needing to show up as these more youthful increasingly fit ladies accept they as well, can accomplish such a body in the event that they start another exercise schedule. The last article talks about the worries of standard games, while investigating brain science just as the social personality of an African American athlete.He investigates the subject through different information, examinations and perceptions and catches ends inside his content utilizing style and custom. Charming the racial perspectives on sports in the public eye, writer Malcolm Gladwell appears to endeavor to change the reader’s see on this specific angle all through his wording. He wishes to delineate a reason for race not to remain as a models position in American games, yet rather for the athletic capacity to frame as a main job in such assessments. Over the span of his point by point contention, he pro poses thoughts of balance and nonjudgmental parts of athletic stereotypes.These two specific articles vary from multiple points of view, one being the contrary viewpoints of the self-perception. Given in the main article, Stuart Ewen had a point of view showing the significance of self-perception by recounting to the narrative of the man named Raymond. In the subsequent article, nonetheless, Malcolm Gladwell shows the non-significance. Ewen gives viewpoints from the eyes from Raymond, and his long lasting diary of exercises so as to accomplishing his objective weight and body muscle. Deciphered during that time article by Malcolm Gladwell, he saw a point of view of the viewpoint in difference.His article announced that the race and measure of cash people had could have a state in sports just as who has a place with what classification for each. He doesn't have faith in the generalizations in which individuals make based off race, nor does he put stock in the hypothesis of accomplish ment at sports relying upon cash. What I see as significant about the distinctions of these two feelings just as perspectives on this specific subject is the thinking for every perspective. Maybe the foundation of the creator too, contributing as a factor of the point of view in which their assessment exists.Could the foundation of the creator, Malcolm Gladwell, add to his thinking to the generalizations of sports players? Just as the point of view from Raymond? The creator may likewise have these solid assessments due to their ethnicity or religion, or assessments of their companions and additionally family. I, for one, remain from a comparable perspective as Raymond with the worry of working out and keeping the body as wished. Accomplishing one’s want body type can be of life’s most moving objectives yet. It tells any normal individual that in the event that they endure, they can arrive at their goals.From a comparable perspective, the two creators had a solid convic tion identifying with the significance of a subject relating to sports. One accepted that it is imperative to look the manner in which you need, and to make a solid effort to arrive, while the other referenced the irrelevance of how society today observes numerous generalizations of how certain individuals are intended to assume certain jobs in sports. Numerous comparative individuals stand equally skilled as per each other without thinking. He battles that there is no opposite side to the past explanation. Lyons, Gregory T. Body and Culture. Hard Body. 1950. Print. Lyons, Gregory T. Body and Culture. The Sports Taboo. 1950. Print
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social Support and Physical Activity Corroborating
Running head: HEALTHY AGING IN THE ELDERLY 1 Social Support and Physical Activity Corroborating Healthy Aging and Quality of Life in the Elderly Karen Cauthen Counseling 502-B21 Liberty University Abstract Can bleakness be prevented in the old or is sickness and ailment an unavoidable truth for the matured? Does social help and physical action have an influence in forestalling optional maturing forms? This paper will humbly investigate and talk about the impacts of social cooperations and routine action of the old upon sound maturing and personal satisfaction. Fruitful solid maturing is affected by a sound way of life and is decidedly identified with a diminished mortality hazard and a deferral in wellbeing deterioration†(Merrill, Myklebust, Myklebust, Reynolds, and Duthie, 2008). It isn't the nonappearance of malady or incapacity that qualifies solid maturing, however reaction to the maturing procedure that characterizes personal satisfaction (Gilbert, Hagerty, and Taggert, 2 012). As indicated by Erik Erikson it is the eighth phase of advancement: respectability versus espair (Erikson, Erikson, and Kivnick, 1986); the point in life where the truth of death becomes inescapable and a survey of life decides meaning (Elhman and Ligon, 2012). Social investment and a functioning way of life are acceptable at any age yet for the older it is the spread over the profound dim opening of depression and forlornness. Catchphrases: trustworthiness, despair, action, social, sound maturing, maturing process, bolster Social Support and Physical Activity Corroborating Healthy Aging and Quality of Life in the ElderlyAs we become more established our bodies change, our musings are progressively intelligent, and our companionships increasingly particular. Developing old isn't a cutout procedure. For every individual it is unique. Some stay occupied, while others quit. They step by step end investment in everyday occasions, or they take up yoga, run a long distance race even return to class. Effective maturing is resolved more by mental demeanor than physical capacity; how previous existence is seen and future life accomplished.It is the means by which change is dealt with that decides sound maturing and personal satisfaction in the matured. Developing old is a procedure gerontologist partition in two classes, â€Å"primary aging†and â€Å"secondary aging†(Berger, 2011). Essential maturing is characterized as the widespread changes happening with age that are not brought about by maladies or natural impacts. Optional maturing is characterized as changes including collaborations of essential maturing forms with natural impacts and infection forms (Masoro and Austad, 2006).According to (Berger, 2011) there are three phases of old: â€Å"young-old,†â€Å"healthy, dynamic, monetarily secure and independent;†â€Å"old-old,†albeit still autonomous experience the ill effects of â€Å"reductions in physical or mental ca pacity or social support;†and last, â€Å"oldest-old,†â€Å"infirm, in danger for ailment and injury. †Not liking to utilize the word old, some gerontologist depict four phases of maturing as: â€Å"optimal aging,†â€Å"usual aging,†â€Å"impaired or neurotic aging,†and the fourth, â€Å"successful aging,†(Rowe and Kahn, 1998) â€Å"signifying broad social cooperation and activity†(Berger, 2011).The old will in general measure useful limit by â€Å"their capacity to do, freely, their standard exercises, additionally called the exercises of day by day living†(Brito and Pavarini, 2012). Following quite a while of autonomous living, reliance on somebody to complete ordinary regular capacities can be genuinely and socially crippling, significantly more so than the diseases that made them subordinate. â€Å"Loss, in instrumental exercises of day by day living adds to more prominent alienation from one’s social environmental factors and subsequently to an inclination to be confined in one’s residence†(Brito and Pavarini, 2012).Erik Erikson gave a top to bottom way of thinking in his last eighth phase of improvement: trustworthiness versus despair. This is a period wherein the old want to join their huge encounters with their thoughts of mankind (Erikson, et al, 1986). While despair represents a total loss of expectation, trustworthiness doesn't just mean genuineness, yet in addition â€Å"a sentiment of being entire, not dissipated, OK with oneself†(Berger, 2011). However it is in Erikson’s seventh stage, generativity versus tagnation, we find that â€Å"in more seasoned grown-ups, generativity might be the absolute most significant factor in accomplishing self image trustworthiness (James and Zarrett, 2006) and decidedly impacts prosperity (Yuen, Huang, Burik, and Smith, 2008)†(Elhman and Ligon, 2012). Along these lines, as (Erikson and Erikson, 1997) put it, â€Å"indeed, elderly individuals can and need to keep up a great generative function†(p. 63), and that â€Å"vital involvement†¦is important for remaining extremely alive (p. 63)†(Elhman and Ligon, 2012). TheoriesPeople are multi-dimensional, multi-faceted animals. To lump all of us under one rooftop would be a wrongdoing. Various hypotheses, through research and study, attempt to portray human conduct however nobody such examination is adequate. There are four primary hypotheses concerning the exercises and public activity of the older. Every hypothesis holds truth however not every bit of relevant information. The main, action hypothesis, sees â€Å"older individuals as mentally unchanged†considering â€Å"social and physical obstructions liable for declining paces of social interaction†(Carstensen L.L. , 1992). Action scholars accuse age-related wellbeing and social weights for reason for change in social investment and exercises (Ca rstensen L. L. , 1992). The second, separation hypothesis, propose â€Å"that mature age impels a common withdrawal among society and maturing people†(Carstensen L. L. , 1992). Elaine Cumming and William Earl Henry (Cumming and Henry, 1961) recommend that in anticipation of death withdrawal is showed in a separating in social relationships.As passing drags nearer and nearer what is significant and what isn't is progressively pertinent. What we do, where we do it, and whom we do it with are decisions that proceed with the possibility of autonomy. A third hypothesis proposed by Dr. Laura (Carstensen L. L. , 1992), socioemotional particular hypothesis, counters the supposition by the other two speculations, that these adjustments in social movement are carefully late-life marvels, with the recommendation that these progressions really start prior throughout everyday life. Decreased paces of collaboration in late life are seen as the consequence of long lasting choice procedures by which individuals deliberately and adaptively develop their informal organizations to expand social and passionate gains and limit social and enthusiastic risks†(Carstensen L. L. , 1992). Since so much is gotten from social communication; data, help, self-character, determination of a mate, information on culture and history, segregate and cautious assessment of social accomplices is an unquestionable requirement (Carstensen L. L. , 1992).The fourth, gerotranscendence hypothesis, was created by Lars Tornstam to address a â€Å"perpetual jumble between present speculations in social gerontology and existing observational data†(Tornstam, 2010). Gerotranscendence claims fruitful maturing results from visit scrutinizing thought, a diminishing in realism, and amazing quality of essential maturing forms (Adams and Sanders, 2010). On the side of this hypothesis a Change in Activities and Interest Index (CAII) was made to â€Å"examine exactly the apparent changes that h appen in the lives of more established adults†(Adams and Sanders, 2010).The CAII is a 30-thing examiner streamlined to look at â€Å"self-saw change in interest in and perspectives about social and relaxation leisure activities among more established adults†(Adams and Sanders, 2010). Because of the exploration by Drs. Kathryn Adams and Sara Sanders (Adams and Sanders, 2010) utilizing the CAII, suppliers of human services to the older can all the more likely plan approaches to lift direct commitment in significant, wanted exercises and social relations as they advance inside the maturing procedure. As expressed before, every one of the four speculations hold truth, yet none the entire truth.Each hypothesis depicts certain people yet forgets about others. Since we are a consistently changing species and continually developing populace more investigations are required in understanding the reasons for sound maturing and characterizing personal satisfaction. Sexual orienta tion Studies have demonstrated that in later life various physical advantages, just as, mental advantages are an aftereffect of interest in social movement, â€Å"such as the advancement of joy (Menec, 2003), decrease of the danger of sorrow (Hong, Hasche, and Bowland, 2009), decrease of the decay of engine work (Buchman, et al. 2009), and even decreases in mortality (Lennartsson and Silverstein, 2001)†(Li, Lin, and Chen, 2011). â€Å"Research to date demonstrates that cooperation in social movement applies positive and mental wellbeing impacts among the older and that the example of action investment varies by gender†(Li, et al, 2011). Various investigations and writing report general contrasts in the social exercises of people, however just one examination â€Å"considered sexual orientation issues and social movement among the old (Arber, Perren, and Davidson, 2002).When investigating the results of solid maturing and personal satisfaction with respect to social help and physical action, sex can't be disregarded. Changes happen all through the life expectancy and sex influences social and social relations to these changes. In the development of affiliations and network contacts the unmistakable social settings that people live in lead to disparate practices (Barer, 1994; Carstensen L. L. , 1991). Dr. Kate (Bennett K. M. 1998) did a 8-year longitudinal examination on physical action in the older. The outcomes demonstrated that ladies were bound to possess themselves with indoor exercises (e. g. , housework) and men with outside exercises (e. g. , wal
Performance Management and Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Execution Management and Organizations - Essay Example Mullins (2005) fights that associations include 'individuals, destinations, structures' and 'the executives'. Overseeing HR, keeping the investors in agreeability, arranging assets for new undertakings, arranging out promoting procedures are largely parts of the administration which require more than the duplicate book style of the executives. Outside: These are the components on which an association will most likely be unable to apply a lot of its control. These incorporate, the legitimate and political scene winning inside the state/nation of its tasks, number and kinds of contenders, providers in the market, terms and conditions from budgetary foundations, elective items accessible in the market, more up to date mechanical developments and so forth. Tacticians should deal with these components by arranging proper reactions. Worthington (2006) places more noteworthy significance on political improvements happening at various levels - neighborhood, national and universal. Associations resort to vital wanting to deal with these components and Organizations gain so much from that point condition and winning conditions. In any case, the key expectation alone can't be arranged all ahead of time. It must be a ceaseless developmental procedure relying on the encounters. Henry Ford stated, Disappointment is the chance to start again more intelligently1 Organizations also adjust their procedures as per the overarching conditions and the general business situation. Associations and their administration shouldn't enjoy governmental issues and the force game. Be that as it may, the administration is simultaneously required to help the association through the good and bad times of the occasions. Butcher and Clarke (2003) express that 'chiefs regularly appear to battle with their job'. There are times when directors are stood up to with incomprehensible circumstances. Under such conditions, the speculations and important remedy may give off an impression of being deficient for their necessities. Such conditions require some measure of political discernment with respect to the administration. Globalization has in reality given wings to MNCs to investigating more current vistas of business openings, managing more up to date sets of clients and governments. So as to use the economies of scale some MNCs want to re-appropriate their administrations from Europe and US to nations like India, China (Bracken, 2004). This kind of business is brimming with chance as it includes giving over an essential undertaking to individuals who are not even close to the traditions/societies of the association, includes facing political challenges both at home just as in remote terrains. Many political protests have been raised against the re-appropriating choices by certain organizations; as such advances are bringing about an expansion in joblessness in those nations from where these administrations are being redistributed. Then again this progression is bringing about greater work age in the nations which are the re-appropriating goals. Such voices have additionally been 'oversaw' well by the administration of the organizations in redistributing business, which couldn't have been managed without some direct understanding of political mobility. The political foundation is
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Play Must Go West Essay Example For Students
The Play Must Go West Essay Not long after the American Revolution, Americans started their extension toward the west. It was our Manifest Destiny to tame the wilds of the west and grow our country across the nation. Families from all over would stack up their effects and travel to the recently bought lands. Individuals from New York, Philadelphia, Boston and all pieces of the new country carried with them their language, culture and conviction frameworks. Alongside this they likewise brought the theater. It was not long after individuals would start to live in a zone that the venue would flourish. The advancement of the venue in the United States can be followed along indistinguishable courses from the settlement of the west. Starting on the east coast with early states the performance center was conveyed with our progenitors to their new homes in the west. From St. Louise to Kansas City, from Kansas City to California and all parts in the middle. Horace Greeley said Go west youngster and the venue followed. In 1492 Christopher Columbus left Azones out traveling to find a western ocean course to the Orient. After seventy days Columbus made land fall on what he thought was a peripheral segment of Asia. We will compose a custom paper on The Play Must Go West explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Columbus would go to his demise accepting he had arrived in Asia, he wasn't right. In spite of the fact that he opened up another world for Europeans to extend their way of life into. (Billington 15) Thought numerous early endeavors where made to settle this new land. Generally finished in a debacle. In 1620 be that as it may, 128 years after Columbus made his bold however mixed up revelation of the new world, the pioneers set out to make a perpetual settlement in America. They put a shore in what is presently considered Massachusetts and framed a flourishing, self represented province. (Billington 57) after 10 years, John Wintrope brings 1000 pilgrim and establishes the city of Boston. Wintropes British settlement had not been in the new world long, in truth not exactly a year, when they found that the Dutch had framed their own close by settlement. The Dutch called their town New Amsterdam. This caused quick rivalry and competition between the settlements. (Billington 60) After a war with the Dutch the city of New Amsterdam came into the ownership of the British Empire and King Charles the Second. Ruler Charles had recently been reestablished to the royal position of England after a since quite a while ago constrained get-away on the terrain of Europe. As a prize to the individuals who bolstered his arrival, he attached New Amsterdam and renamed it New York and gave enormous segments of it to his most faithful supporters. (Billington 67) In the resulting years numerous English pioneer went to the new world setting up towns and urban areas up and down the Atlantic coast line. It is in these towns and urban communities that we see European culture, particularly English culture, being planted in the new world. With this new culture being brought to this new and untamed land it is normal that the types of amusement would likewise not be a long ways behind. The terrains of the new reality where now ripe for the seed of the theater. In 1716 we have records of a venue being worked in Willamsburg Virginia. This is plausible the main auditorium worked in the Americas. While there where plausible plays and some little dramatic creations being done before, this is our first historically speaking record of a structure being worked for this particular reason. (Hornblow) We realize that in New York in 1752, the Hallams played out the Merchant of Venice. We likewise realize that the Hallams utilized an auditorium that was work for use by Murray and Kean who had a troupe who had played out a similar play alongside Richard the III numerous years sooner. 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It would take the development of another nation and an extension of the guests of this new nation to help theater on its western trek over the incredible regions of North America. Brought about by what they accepted was a disintegrations of their regular rights and being administered with out portrayal The provinces in America chose to enjoy a strong move and reprieve their ties with their English bosses. This obviously was not generally welcomed by the King of Engl and and what is known as the American Revolution resulted. In 1775 in Lexington and Concord battling broke out between American Colonist and English Troops. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress marked a record that had been written by Thomas Jefferson. The report was a Declaration of Independence. While the issue was in no way, shape or form chose and a long war followed, for every single down to earth reason the United States Of America was conceived. (McKay 696) with an end goal to extend the fringes of the United States and to help get European enthusiasm off the landmass. Thomas Jefferson, presently leader of the United States buys from France an immense zone called Louisiana. So on April 30th, 1803 the region of the youngster nation of the United States was dramatically increased. In this domain there where previously settled urban areas and populaces. Urban communities like New Orleans and St. Louise had for quite some time been dynamic exchanging regions for the French and Spanish governments. (Billington 244) These territories immediately got alluring for new relocations of the Americans. Albeit the two urban communities talked almost no English. The quick development of Americans into them caused a requirement for English spoken amusement. In New Orleans there where French talking theaters as right on time as 1809 however there had never been any English language plays performed. A man named Noah Ludlow with the assistance of certain entertainers from the Turner organization chose to go to New Orleans and perform. They had been informed that there was a huge English talking populace there now and they where deprived to spend their cash on English talking plays. This is all that Ludlow required. Albeit a portion of his accomplices dissented and left the troupe, Ludlow with numerous others withdrew from Nashville on Oct. 0th 1917. (Hornblow) They went down the Ohio waterway to the Mississippi They showed up in Natches a few days after the fact and upon the request of the nearby movers and shakers performed one of their plays. The Honeymoon was the primary play to ever be acted in Natches. The troupe remained for a couple of days yet then proceeded with their movements to New Orleans. On Dec. 24th 1817 Ludlow and his trouped opened their performance center in New Orleans with the plays The Honeymoon and a sham called The Hotel, or a worker with two bosses. The auditorium was known as the St. Philip since it was on St. Phillips St. The endeavor was a gigantic accomplishment before Ludlow chose to return to Nashville for different undertakings. (Hornblow) It is just fitting that the man who carried theater to the Louisiana region be the person who carries it to St. Louis. Noah Ludlow concluded that the little city of St. Louis was ready for his theater troupe. With a populace of nearly 4000 St. Louis had never observed an expert exhibition of a play. There where a few beginners acting in the region and in their performance center is the place ludlow chose to set up. (Hornblow) On Nov twentieth 1819, Ludlow and his troupe boarded a bottom pontoon in Nashville and began his excursion to St. Louis. This excursion was significantly more troublesome than the one to New Orleans for some portion of the outing was up current on the Mississippi. They needed to go by a method called Cordelling. This involved men with ropes pulling the vessels up the waterway. At long last showing up in St. Mite Ludlows troupe acted in mid December 1819. They indeed played out the play The Honeymoon. (Hornblow) Theater had now extended toward the western shores of the Mississippi. .u673
Friday, August 7, 2020
How to Forget a Bad Memory
How to Forget a Bad Memory Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Social Skills Print How to Forget a Bad Memory By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 20, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 13, 2019 stock_colors/iStock More in Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Social Skills Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Work and School Related Conditions Memories that are negative tend to stay with us. This can be particularly true if you live with social anxiety disorder (SAD), but even if you dont, theres a good chance youve dealt with lingering bad memories at some point in your life. You may find yourself cringing over something that happened weeks, months, or even years ago, as though you were still in the situation and can feel the shame. Indeed, a 2016 study in the Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry showed that people with SAD tended to view negative social memories as central to their identity. New research is beginning to shed light on the process through which negative memories may contribute to your fear and anxiety. Studies indicate that certain hormones, areas of the brain, and genes may be responsible. Negative Social Memories You may have a hard time trying to forget a bad memory, whether or not you have SAD. It may feel as though youve built up a memory bank filled with all of the situations you remember as being shameful and embarrassing. While the specific memories that stick with you will vary from person to person, some examples include the following. These might be subjective, such that only you would see the negative aspect of the situation or they could be overtly traumatizing, such as being the object of ridicule: Making a mistake in a social situation, such as calling someone by the wrong nameFreezing during a performance situationBeing rejected by someone, particularly in a romantic relationshipBelieving that others were aware of your anxious symptoms, such as shaking hands or blushingBeing bullied or made fun of by your peers After these types of events, when you recall them, you might say things to yourself such as: Why did I say/do that?Im so embarrassingWhy cant I interact easily with others? In essence, you keep reliving those embarrassing memories and it may feel as though you cant shut off your brain. Oxytocin and Bad Memories While the hormone oxytocin has generally been heralded as having a positive influence in social situations, recent research has pointed to its potential to embed negative social memories in those with social anxiety disorder. In this way, oxytocin may have the effect of causing emotional pain and could be the reason that stressful social situations stay with us long after the original eventâ€"and may even trigger future anxiety and fear. In a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience in 2013, mice with varying levels of oxytocin receptors (no receptors, increased receptors, normal level of receptors) in the brain were studied to examine the effects of fear and anxiety. In the first experiment, the mice were placed in a situation with aggressive mice in which they experienced social defeat, creating a stressful social situation. The mice who were missing the oxytocin receptors would not have had any oxytocin enter their brains. Six hours later, the researchers put the mice back with the aggressive mice. What they found was that the mice with no receptors showed no signs of fear. The mice with extra receptors show increased levels of fear. Finally, the mice with normal amounts of receptors showed a typical level of fear. In a second experiment, the researchers were able to show that oxytocin in a stressful social situation could even transfer fear into a situation that followed itâ€"in the case of the mice this was an electric shock. Again, the mice without receptors showed no signs or remembering to be afraid of the electric shock. In contrast, a study discussed in Scientific American administered oxytocin into the noses of men. First, these men were shown a neutral stimulus (pictures of faces and houses) that were sometimes paired with an electric shock. Then, subjects either received a single dose of oxytocin or a placebo. Then, they underwent fear of extinction therapy while receiving MRI scans. They were once again shown the photos, but without the pairing of the electric shock. What they found was that the subjects who received the oxytocin had increased activity in the prefrontal cortex (for controlling fear) and decreased responsiveness in the amygdala when shown the images. This suggested that a single dose of oxytocin was effective to enhance the use of extinction-based therapy for fear and anxiety. While these results (mice vs. men) may seem contradictory, this could relate to the timing of the oxytocin dose. Had the men who received oxytocin received it at the same time as the electric shock, would the memory of the shock have stuck with them longer? The answer to this issue is not clear. Oxytocin and Social Fears What does this research tell us about our own fear, anxiety, and their relation to bad memories? It appears that oxytocin may strengthen social memories in the brain (specifically, in the lateral septum), or have the effect of intensification or amplification. This is important since chronic social stress is known to cause anxiety and depression. This effect seems to also last a long timeâ€"at least six hours. This type of research also suggests that just as social anxiety appears to have a genetic component, it follows that your brains ability to access oxytocin might relate to how well you encode bad memories in social situations, such that they may make you afraid in the future. What to Do After a Bad Social Experience If past negative social events play a central role in social anxiety disorder, it makes sense that the elimination of memories of these events would help to lessen your anxiety: If you tend to have flashbacks or cringe attacks about shameful situations from the past, it may be helpful to keep a journal in which you record happy or positive events as well. Anytime you remember a negative memory, try to follow it up with a positive one.In response to flashbacks, you could also have a few phrases that you repeat to yourself, such as that event does not define me.You could also try to practice mindfulness when memories come back to you. Instead of allowing yourself to become engrossed in the memory, try bringing your attention to something in the present moment such as a sight or smell.If you still struggle, try employing a cognitive-behavioral approach, and ask yourself, Does anybody other than me really remember that situation or think about it?Finally, if you find yourself falling victim to the need to be perfect, and your memories center around times you have made mistakes, try making mistakes and doing things wrong on purpose. In time, if you are out there seeking to embarrass yourself, memories of those situations will have a different flavor. Tell yourself that you deserve social acceptance now, at the moment, rather than at some future time when you have become the perfect person.Above all else, dont use negative strategies to forget bad memories, such as abusing drugs or alcohol. Gene Variations and Bad Memories Wouldnt it be wonderful to completely erase all of your negative memories? While that might sound like science fiction, modern medicine may be closer to making it happen than you realize. Research has shown that a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene variation is related to fear generation. BDNF gene therapy could be used in the future, by altering genes that contribute to fear and anxiety. In the same way, the Tac2 gene pathway has been shown to reduce the storage of traumatic memories. As a result, a medication that blocks the activity of this pathway could prevent the storage of traumatic memories in the first place. While this would be most useful for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this type of research may also eventually inform negative memories in social anxiety disorder. Dont worry thoughâ€"those bad memories are not erased for good. They are still stored somewhere but are no longer accessible. A Word From Verywell Are you haunted by memories of mistakes youve made in the past? While thinking back on past mistakes is normal, dwelling on them to the point that they cause intense fear and anxiety in the present is not. If you live with social anxiety disorder or believe that you may have symptoms of this problem, it is important to consult with your doctor. In particular, meeting with a therapist who specializes in SAD may be helpful to generate strategies to better cope with these negative memories.
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